Welcome to Everything Is An Emergency!

I'm Bess Stillman: an emergency medicine doc, writer, and wife to Jake Seliger, who is currently dying of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue. Here you'll find writing about life, cancer, death, love, health, and healthcare (“health” and “healthcare” being distinct). If you’re enjoying what you read please like, comment, and subscribe so we can build a community together. If there’s a topic you’d like to hear about, let me know. Want to reach out directly? DrBStillman@gmail.com

All patients described are fictional except for my husband, Jake: he is real.

All opinions are my own and my views do not represent my employer.

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I'm Bess Stillman: ER doctor, writer, and wife to Jake Seliger, who is currently dying of SCC of the tongue. I write about the challenges of being corporeal. Here you'll find essays on life, death, cancer, love, health & healthcare.


I'm an ER doctor, writer, and wife to Jake Seliger (JakeSeliger.com) who is dying of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue. Here you'll find essays on life, death, grief, love, and healthcare.